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Image by Tim Mossholder


Making a Cleaner World One Download at a Time

Home: Our App

The Cleanest App On the Market

Internet! Meet BañoBuddy

After pondering about the significant impact of the Romans' concept of hygiene and how the betterment of public restrooms played a significant role in human advancement. At BañoBuddy, we wanted to develop a way to change how consumers see the concept of Public Restrooms today, by offering a simple and user-friendly platform they can trust and interact with by submitting and reviewing commercial restrooms they've had the pleasure or displeasure of visiting, in hopes that the owners receive the necessary feedback to provide all of our users with a pleasant and safe experience.

Cleaning Supplies
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Features List


Find and get directions to the cleanest restroom near you.

Essential Information

Read about the place you are about to visit, what are the people saying? What are the ratings? is it worth visiting?


Tell us about your pleasant or unpleasant experience to help others in their journey.

Home: App Features


It all sounds great, but what does this App actually do?

It helps you find a clean public restroom near you by providing information about it such as overall rating, cleanliness, availability, supplies, perks, and even if it has mechanisms to help prevent the spread of diseases such as covid-19.

I’ve seen other Apps that serve similar purposes. What makes yours the best?

Other apps offer inaccurate locations and information about the restrooms they are able to find. We commit to provide the most reliable and readily available information about the restrooms we are able to find near you.

How often are there updates to the App?

This is an app that will be in constant progress, always improving and evolving along with our users.

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